Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click. Getting started at this always sucks. And to let you know if you are just going to click on your own (with no refs) You will make more money collecting beer cans over in the mormon compound. Some sites pay as little as 0.0002 a click. Most of the sites never pay and if they do you are lucky to get $1 after a month of clicking ads daily for them. I hear and read on the internet of people making money on doing it but have yet to be able to do it myself. But if you are to get started and are ambitious and think you have a shot at making some money best thing to do first is get a bux essentials account. Basically it is a site that contains your earnings for every ppc site that is hosted by buxhost (and there is a shit load of them) You wont have every pay per click out there on there but will have the majority of them on there. Here is an example of mine on there.
  Looks good eh? Well not really out of that how much do you think I have seen? One would think 3/4ths. Nope. Surely I have seen at least half. Nope. The sad truth is I have only been paid by 2 sites so far and made about 2 dollars into my paypal account. Before I go on about that shit I better give credit due where credit is due. These are the 2 sites that paid me.

  And it took me a long time almost a month to get paid from them and that was from daily clicking. Mind you I also had no refs at the sites. But even with a couple refs what would that do. Speed up my payment by a day or 2? The problem with alot of these sites too is that they will want you to invest money or upgrade your membership (which costs money) Before they claim they will pay you. I am dedicating a whole page to the sites to avoid. PPC sites to avoid. Which will be a collection of sites that require you to invest money or known scam sites. I want this stuff to get out viral and I want these crooks to lose their businesses in the hope that people who want to make money on here do not have the hassel and headaches that myself and others have.