Pay per clicks are usually one of the worst for ripping people off. This next site is a prime example. I often wonder why I keep clicking on this site. Maybe a small ray of hope thinks that I may actually see money from it. But the odds are this site will never pay me. It will shut down or say I broke some rule. Or just never respond here is an example.
Sounds like a pretty sweet deal eh. They are paying me $4 a click.( Or making me think they are). I have 11 refs which they claim make me a dollar every click. You would think that would be great but everyday all the adds are the same. Hell most of the time I click an add and it goes to a blank page. Or adds of their own with the same add on multiple times from their site. Now why would a company pay me some days 32 bucks to view their own ads? They don't and probably won't.
Now that is my account at this site. One would think that hey this is the easiest thing in the world. I really hope I do get paid and that this site proves me wrong but here is one thing that is on the site that I bet most members never notice or pay attention to. Probably because they are so in awe when they look at their account balance on here. When you go to the top at proofs of payment they claim that they have paid out
$ 101,200. That would seem a little low for a site like this that has over 6,000 members clicking away at $4 a pop. But go and click on the payment proof. It has 1 payout from May. Only 1 payout.
Who lets their account get up to 100,000 plus dollars and who has the time this is the biggest fake thing I have ever seen. Again I hope I am wrong on this site but I would be amazingly shocked if anyone ever seen a dime off of this site. I would also be shocked if anyone would or could be stupid enough to upgrade their account here. Also look at the cost of advertising if someone chooses to advertise on this site it is dirt cheap. So where does all the money come from to pay members? This is just one of many sites that I hope people realize it is good to have that faint glimpse of hope. But the owner of this site is doing nothing but scamming and laughing. I along with many may have wasted alot of time at this site but I am glad I never wasted any money. It is also really suspicious that they do not have a forum to post on. It would probably just be filled with tons of complaints. I remember seeing a person post on a message board that they wanted people to join under them and upgrade their accounts so they could get paid. (to pay out it also wants you to have 5 refs with an upgraded account). They also said they would re emburse the people. They will never see money from this site. This one should be on everyones AVOID list.
0 Paid